
“Taco” aka Pedro Pablo Pena Perez comes from a long line of street tacos vendors.  His father and uncle each had portable taco stands that were wheeled out and set up every evening.  And that is where Pedro learned his craft.  His early years were spent racing around on his moto delivering orders and when he finally married and settled down he learned the craft as it had been passed down from his father, and his fathers’ father, and so on.  The family had always specialized in “head” tacos (Cabeza), but with the arrival of all the gringos, Taco felt he should branch out into more palatable options like carnitas -steak and pollo – chicken and al pastor (pork)    Head taco or Cabeza tacos are usually made from the large cheek muscle,  lengua tacos from the tongue, ojo tacos – eyeballs,  sesos tacos – brain.  There are also tripa tacos – tripe and other assorted delicacies.  Eventually, Taco retired and turned his taco cart business over to his son, Taco Jr.  Seeing he had been always comfortable with “carts”, Taco loves to hang around the Banderas Bay Cart lizards and advises tourists on the best places to enjoy great tacos.  Pedro PP , as his schoolmates call him, was instrumental in the creation of the Latin version of “How many pickled peppers did Pedro Pablo pick, when Pedro Pablo picked a peck of pickled peppers.  Try some tacos today.