
“Fiesta” aka Ricardo Jose “the party animal” Sanchez Ramirez is the first to arrive and the last to leave any party on the Banderas Bay.  Because Fiesta is a party animal and because he spent a number of years working for the “Departamento de Salud” (Health department) he is an expert on how to party successfully in Mexico.  He travels extensively around Mexico doing a quick short speeches at bars, nightclubs and all inclusive resorts.   He was also involved in a sting in Cancun where  in a few days 10,000 gallons of tainted alcohol were confiscated.  So  here are Fiesta’s tips:

  1. If at all possible only drink what you pour yourself. Buy your liquor at the airport or high-end liquor stores/grocery stores where there are strict guidelines and procedures.  36% of the alcohol in Mexico is illegal.  Since 2010 1.4 million gallons have been seized.  There are also 100s of reported cases of alcohol poisoning, being robbed or being raped.  Hospitals may also charge exorbitant fees for any form of treatment if you do not have insurance.
  2. If something doesn’t taste right, don’t drink it and never leave your drink unattended. But also realize that drugs like GBL, GBH, diazepam, Rohypnal and ketamine are tasteless in a drink so keep vigilant.
  3. Avoid hard liquor sticking to wine and beer that you see the cork being removed from.
  4. Always drink with groups of friends, never as a single or couple. Remember that being dehydrated greatly amplifies the effects of alcohol and results in much quicker alcohol poisoning.
  5. And for Heaven’s sake realize that Mexican’s don’t need to drink to party and have fun, and neither should you.

You of course can find the flashy, green backed Fiesta by just stopping and listening for the sounds of music somewhere in the neighborhood up until 5:00am.  Go there, and Fiesta may be there.  If not you will probably still find welcoming Mexican’s, but maybe not too many green ones unless they have had too much tequila.  Side note:  Tequila is only legally made in Jalisco.